Common Treatments Offered By Back Pain Specialists

 Lumbago is a very common complaint, with millions of people suffering from low back pain across the globe, from an acute to a chronic level. Thankfully, there is a widespread number of back pain specialists in the current society who have special treatment plans for the management of back pain interventions aimed at relieving the symptoms, treating the root causes, and improving the patient’s quality of life. Through this article, you will be reading about the major treatments that can make your back pain easygoing and are recommended by back pain doctor. Let’s dive into this together. 

Physical Therapy 

Back pains are well known to be well managed through physical therapy. Physicians may suggest an individualized exercise regime to improve the muscles underlying the spine, flexibility, and posture of a person. Therapies can range from flexing exercises, toning exercises, and massage therapy. Physical therapists also teach the patients how to move their bodies so as to avoid further implications of injuries.


Back pain is ordinarily treated with medicine despite the fact that it can be effectively cured through proper exercise. Some of the drugs include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and pain relievers include ibuprofen and naproxen. Moderate and chronic pain may require muscle relaxants, prescription-strength NSAIDs, or even opioids. In some circumstances, a back pain doctor West Orange may decide to inject corticosteroids to control inflammation for a short period of time. 

Chiropractic Care

Mainly, chiropractic is the diagnostic and managed form of treatment that deals with musculoskeletal system disorders with special attention to the spinal column. Chiropractors are people who treat a patient’s spine by making physical adjustments to the area to release pressure on nerves and improve their function. It can also be combined with exercise and other recommendations to be followed throughout the whole period of rehabilitation. 


Acupuncture is an age-old medical practice used by the Chinese and entails the use of needles to manipulate the energy in a person’s body. When it comes to back pains, acupuncture may be useful in treating pain and inflammation, circulation, and overall well-being. People suffering from chronic pain prefer this approach because, besides making them embrace positive things, the other procedures are helpful. 

Massage Therapy

The application of this therapy often comes in handy in the management of back pain since it helps relieve muscle tension and promotes circulation and relaxation. Treatments like deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, and myofascial release are employed in order to relieve muscle toughening and contracting. It was ascertained that one could derive benefits from multiple massages at a chronic back pain treatment center

Lifestyle and Ergonomic Adjustments

According to back pain specialists New Jersey who deal with back pains, such aches usually require changes in one’s lifestyle, along with a few changes in ergonomics. Some of the recommendations may range from proper ways of lifting objects to the kind of furniture to be used to the need to maintain a healthy weight. They also may further discuss which activities can help to worsen the back pain or which exercises and activities should be included in the daily regimen.

Surgical Options

In cases where conservative treatment does not help or there are issues with the structure of the vertebrae, then the surgical operation may be an option. Some of the operations performed are discectomy, which involves the removal of a herniated disc; laminectomy, which involves the partial removal of a vertebra with the aim of relieving pressure on nerves; and spinal fusion, where two or more vertebrae are fused with the aim of stabilizing the spine. 


Some of the extended treatments that back pain specialists Paramus use depends on the patient’s condition. This is about using physical therapy, medications, chiropractic care, and surgeries in a bid to eliminate pain, enhance the functionality of a body, and minimize the chances of recurrent occurrence of complications. Therefore, patients can coordinate with their physicians more actively to adhere to the below common treatments so that a detailed plan can be formulated regarding their back pain problems.


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